Sunday, January 9, 2011

The life of a crazy younger widow with 3 kids, and how to survive it.

Did you ever notice how your kids seem to find the worst possible time to want to talk? I can sit in the same room with them for 4 hours watching movies, but the second I get on the phone, or decide to start homework, all of the sudden my presence is needed IMMEDIATELY, because there is obviously a SERIOUS emergency in the kitchen. You'd think the room was on fire, but NNNnnnnOOOOooo - Austin can't get the lid off of the new gallon of milk. I'm so glad it wasn't more serious.

I haven't been on this blog for ALMOST a year. I started it for a work deal, but have decided that at this point in my life I need someone to vent too. All of those close in my "inner circle" are too close to some subjects that I'd like to talk about, that I need to vent about. So lucky you who have decided to read this blog! It may at times be crazy, crazy funny, crazy sad, or just down right depressing. I am a 41 year old widow, my husband died on July 10, 2008 in a rollover truck accident. Talk about a life changer. We have 4 kids, 2 of mine, 1 of his, and 1 of ours. Life has had good and bad moments since then, as I'll probably be posting from time to time. Basically I need a way to get my feelings out about everything, so I'm being narcisstic and using this as my venue, then I'm not FORCING anyone to read this. But if you do, drop me a line, it's always nice to know you're not talking to just yourself or the cat. And that cat really doesn't look like he cares

Feel free to follow along on the Free Ride...........


  1. Narcisism or being narcisstic are new terms I've been introduced to this week. So the word for the week is NARCISTIC - look it up (my doctor made me do it) - it's kind of cool. I know many people whom are narcistic, and a few that are really close to home. Another term to look up "TOXIC PARENTS" - I haven't looked that up yet, but hear there is a good book by that title. I may have to read that. I hope and pray to hell that I'M not toxic - but maybe I am - better to find out now before they're all grown up - I still have a chance to save at least one of them from myself, if not 2

    Hope everybody out there in internet land has a fantabulous evening. Enjoy the snow if it's comes to visit.

    I need a good motto - then I'll sign off with it every time.....any ideas?

  2. So far so good this morning. Not sure why though...LOL Computer died last week, though I was able to get it back up and running. Washing machine finally died a slow, horrible death. Next to fall was the clothes dryer - it went quickly and without much pain. MY pain is that now I have 4 people to do laundry for and no way to do it. Maybe I need an old fashioned washboard (or a rock and a river), and I could use a clothes wringer to get the excess water out. Then, for the cherry on the Sunday, the car radiator blew yesterday, and it needs to be replaced. No work today (whew!), but still supposed to have a meeting of the board at 5:00 - so hoping it's slowed down on snow and not quite so cold, it'll be a cold walk as it is. I did get a lead on a washing machine this morning though - so I should have that this weekend, after payday.

    Looked up Toxic Parents - interesting topic. I found the book also, and I really would like to read it (maybe I'll have the kids shop for that for me - heck I have to give them the money anyway - might as well get what I want! LOL)

    Wishing the money and the car fairy would poop on me, instead it's always the trouble fairy with her stomach problems, and I've just about had enough of her.

    Talked to a few people last night that made me feel a little better about myself. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded of some of the nice things you've done for others - makes you realize that you're not completely worthless.

    Hope you all stay warm and cozy today, wherever you are in cyber land.

  3. How much crap can one person deal with before the thin line between sanity and insanity snaps?

    I may find out today.

    Hope it's sunny in your world
